
  • The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

    The client is failing to make an HTTPS request with the error message “The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.”

    The client doesn’t trust the certificate on the server. Every time I’ve seen this error message it’s come from a self-signed certificate that the server is configured to use.

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  • Configuring HTTPS Bindings in IIS

    I have my web application serving through HTTP over port 80, but the customers require data to be sent security through HTTPS.

    How would I go about setting up this application as HTTPS over port 443 in IIS?

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  • Using Get-ADObject from PSCX to list members of an AD Group

    Sometimes you need to list the members of an AD group, and either you don’t have the AD tools installed, or they won’t load on your machine because your monitor’s resolution is too low. I’ll let you guess which of these stopped me from loading the GUI. :sob:

    We have PowerShell though, and the Community Extensions for PowerShell (PSCX), and they’ve wrapped AD access in a CmdLet named Get-ADObject.

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  • Get More Value from your Test Asserts


    There’s more than one way to skin an assertion. The thing to keep in mind is how the next developer (obligatory “or you in 6 months”) is going to use the information if an assertion fails.

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  • PowerShell Automation of git-svn

    Once you get frustrated with versioning via folder copies, you’ll have to decide what Version Control System to use. Subversion (svn) is a workhorse of a centralized version control system, and still very popular. I prefer to work with a Distributed VCS, and git is my choice there. git-svn is the way you can use git as your client to a svn repository.

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  • Value Equality from a Subset of Properties in C#

    It’s what’s inside that counts.

    The default comparison for equality in .Net, when comparing reference types, uses reference equality. The == operator compares the two class references and if they are the same instance (have a pointer to the same address in memory), returns true. Otherwise false.

    In most of my day-to-day, however, I’d prefer to use value equality. That’s comparing the values of the properties of 2 instances of a class to determine equality.

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  • npm xmas

    It’s the little things.

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  • help Function in PowerShell Community Extensions

    No one is perfect… that’s why pencils have erasers.

    - Wolfgang Riebe

    PowerShell is fantastic! I’ve been using it as my shell for a couple of years now. I was using the git bash before that, and one thing I missed was using less to page data.

    When I run git log I can count on using d to page down and u to page up, / to search, etc.

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  • Install OpenSSL on Windows using Chocolatey


    The Windows binaries that the OpenSSL project will point you to are linked from this page. But I sure do like installing all the things via Chocolatey these days. Currently there’s no Chocolatey package for OpenSSL.

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  • Registry Hacks! IsInstallationInProgress

    I was doing a repair on Visual Studio 2015 and it seemed to be stuck at the end, installing an Android emulator IIRC. I killed the installer and fired up VS and saw a very practical error message:

    Repair/Modify operation did not finish successfully. Please repair Visual Studio before continuing. You may continue to run Visual Studio, but operation may not be reliable.
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  • Properties as Replaceable Functions in C#

    I have a class that takes a dependency on a WCF client proxy, the default one generated by Add Service Reference in VS 2010. We’re set up to use StructureMap for Dependency Injection, and the generator also generates an interface. Cool. Wire it up in the StructureMap initialization and use some constructor injection, new’d up client available in my class. And it seems to work great.

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  • Hello, World!

    Seems appropriate, somehow.

  • The Benefits of an Eight-Based System

    When humans first began to count, they used their ten fingers as a basis for numeration. This led to the adoption of the ten-based system into everyday life. Infinately many number systems can be used, but a few stand out as the most practical. These include the two-, eight- and ten-based systems. If humans would switch from a ten-based system to an eight-based system, there would be greater efficiency between humans and machines because of the relationship of the eight-based system to the computer’s two-based system.

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