
There’s more than one way to skin an assertion. The thing to keep in mind is how the next developer (obligatory “or you in 6 months”) is going to use the information if an assertion fails.

We’ll be using MSTest to describe the situation, but this is just as valid in NUnit.

The Land of Confusion

You run your test suite and spot an error. Let’s dig into the error message.

Result Message: Assert.IsTrue failed.

Hm, not much to dig into. Let’s go to the line of the failed assertion.

Assert.IsTrue(actual.Count == 1);

This doesn’t tell us much. It’s certianly better than nothing, because at least we know there’s something to investigate. But what was the value of actual.Count? 0? 2? A million bajillion? We can’t tell from the error message.

An Improvement

All XUnit testing frameworks I know of have a more explicit way to test against a certain expected value. In their most basic form, it’s usually a call to a method like Assert.AreEqual. Let’s switch to that.

Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count);

We rerun the test suite and see the following error message.

Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<1>. Actual:<0>.

That’s about as good as we can do since we’re discovering the error and don’t know much about why it’s important.

If I Could Turn Back Time

If we could turn back time though…

Don’t Make Me Think

We have all this context when we’re writing a test, let’s forward that info to our future selves. Just what are we doing here?

Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count,
    "We expect 1 match because we ignore DOB when matching");

Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<1>. Actual:<0>. We expect 1 match because we ignore DOB when matching

Future self thanks past self. Maintenance time cut in half, at least.

Is There More?

From what I’ve seen, this is about as good as you can do with the build-in assertion libraries in MSTest. NUnit has its Constraint Model (Assert.That) that can allow for more expressive asserts.

We need to go deeper

If you want to go deeper, check out FluentAssertions and Shouldly.